Just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day a few weeks ago, our youngest daughter had to do a unique project for her social studies class. The students in her 8th grade class were asked to take a few online quizzes to clarify their political views and what was important to them, and come up with their own unique political party and slogan. She was stuck on the idea of creating her own slogan, so we sat and talked about what she felt our country’s biggest issues were. Then she began to write, and this was her slogan:
“Progressive Unity – Bridging Differences To Build Better Tomorrows.”
To her, (and to me!) focusing on the need for justice, equality and working together to embrace one another’s differences was key to building a better, stronger nation. Since Martin Luther King Day was just a few days away, I was reminded that the success and power of his movements were largely due to his passion for bringing people together to fight for better tomorrows. We are always stronger together. The following yoga quote by BKS Iyengar reminds me of Dr. King’s tireless crusades:
“In yoga, three very important things always have to be united; love, knowledge & action.”
MLK grew his crusades with these three things in mind. To educate people on the importance of justice and unity through past injustices, to take action towards true equality and to move peacefully together towards love for all beings. This is reflected in his following quote:
“In some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.” – MLK
As Valentine’s Day draws near and you celebrate the ones you love, take time to send warmth and light to those outside your circle too. If we focus on sending love and light to all, perhaps we really can “Bridge Differences To Build Better Tomorrows.”
“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.”
~ Baha’U’Llah
XOXO, Heather
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